
4 unusual facts about Intendant


Intendant, the holder of a public administrative office in several countries


(Two new intendancies with oversight only over the treasury were established in 1786 in Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba.)

The Republic of Paraguay is administratively divided into 17 departamentos (departments), each of which is headed by an gobernador departamental (departmental governor).

Joseph Ferdinand Maria of Salern

As the General Intendant for music at the Bavarian court, he was a patron of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


intendant | Intendant |

Alberto Blest Gana

A liberal, Alberto Blest was named intendant of the province of Colchagua and starting 1866 he was Chilean diplomatic representative at Washington, London and Paris.

Arnaud I de La Porte

Arnaud II briefly achieved the position his father had never been able to attain of Minister of the Marine, and during the Revolution was called by his beleaguered king to oversee counterrevolutionary activities from his new post as Intendant of the Civil List (manager of the king’s private funds), an endeavour which would cost him his life in 1792 when he became the Revolution's second victim of the guillotine.

Arnaud II de La Porte

His great-granduncle was Michel Richard Delalande, court composer to Louis XIV, his grandfather was First Commissary of the Marine Joseph Pellerin, his father Arnaud I de La Porte was First Commissary as well, and his uncle, Joseph Pellerin Jr. was Intendant of the Naval Armies, all under Louis XV and Louis XVI.

Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe

See de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter Spuhler

Baltimore, County Cork

It is believed that Napoleon obtained his famous white mare Intendant from the area.

Blaise Gisbert

The pleasure which Gisbert took in discussing pulpit eloquence with Nicolas de Lamoignon, the intendant of Languedoc, impelled him to write an essay on sacred eloquence, which he entitled Le bon gôut de l'éloquence chrétienne (Lyons, 1702).

Château de Rochechouart

In 1205, his wife Alix, accused of adultery by the intendant of the castle, was locked up in the lion's cage in the east tower.

Daniel de Rémy de Courcelle

He was instrumental in upgrading the judicial procedures of the colony along with Intendent Jean Talon and, acting on the orders of Louis XIV, he established militia units in New France.

Dušan Žanko

During his time as intendant, he led Zagreb's opera company on performances in Venice, Florence and Rome in April 1942 and to Vienne in 1943.

Enrico di Borgogna

Bartolomeo Merelli (who later, as Intendant at La Scala, was to commission Verdi's first opera), wrote the Italian libretto based on Der Graf von Burgund by August von Kotzebue.

Heinrich von Brühl

By his wife Margarethe Schleierweber, the daughter of a French corporal, and renowned for her beauty and intellectual gifts, he was the father of Carl von Brühl who as intendant-general of the Prussian royal theatres was of some importance in the history of the development of the drama in Germany.

Instituto San Fernando

Patricio Rey Sommer, politician, Intendant of O'Higgins Region (2010-2013);

Jacques de Serisay

Jacques de Serisay (1594 in Paris – November 1653 in La Rochefoucauld, Charente) was a French poet, intendant of the duc de La Rochefoucauld, and the founding director of the Académie française from 1634 to 11 January 1638 where he was the first occupant of seat three.

Jean Louis Barthélemy O'Donnell

He became successively super-intendant of the provinces of Alava, Biscay, and Guipúzcoa in the Basque region of northern Spain, and later in Valladolid.

Jean-Baptiste de Machault d'Arnouville

In 1721, he was counsel to the Parlement of Paris, in 1728 he was maître des requêtes, and ten years later was made president of the Great Council; although he had opposed the court in the Unigenitus dispute, he was appointed intendant of Hainaut in 1743.

Jean-Étienne Montucla

He was appointed intendant-secretary of Grenoble in 1758, secretary to the expedition for colonizing Cayenne in 1764, and chief architect and censor-royal for mathematical books in 1765.

José Ignacio de Cavero y Cárdenas

Cartagena would eventually join with other provinces to create the Republic of Colombia under President Simón Bolívar, and was appointed in 1824 by Vice President Francisco de Paula Santander y Omaña to serve as the 3rd Prefect Intendant of the Magdalena River and the Isthmus province, which now encompassed the former province of Cartagena as well as the provinces of Santa Marta, Riohacha, and the Isthmus.

Julio Ibarra

Ibarra first appeared in public in this role on March 17, along with Intendant of O'Higgins Region Rodrigo Pérez Mackenna, and Eduardo Cornejo Lagos and Marie Jeanne Lyon Amand de Mendieta, the recently appointed Governors of Colchagua and Cachapoal Provinces respectively.

Komische Oper Berlin

In June 2008, the company announced the appointment of Barrie Kosky to succeed Homoki as its next Intendant, as of the 2012/2013 season.

Louis Thiroux de Crosne

Prior to becoming Chief of the Police in Paris he was Intendant de la généralité of Rouen from 1767.

Marie Françoise Catherine de Beauvau-Craon

This did not stop her also collecting other lovers; nicknamed la Dame de Volupté ("the lady of delight"), she was also the mistress of the poet Jean François de Saint-Lambert, then of M. of Adhémar, of the intendant de Lorraine Antoine-Martin Chaumont de La Galaizière, of the lawyer and poet François-Antoine Devaux, of the abbé Porquet, and many others.

Medici Fountain

The Palace was the work of architect Salomon de Brosse, but the grotto was most probably the work of Tommaso Francini, the Intendant General of Waters and Fountains of the King.

Miguel José de Azanza, Duke of Santa Fe

In 1788 he was corregidor of Salamanca, and the following year intendant of the army in Valencia.

Pedro Lagos

In 1875, President Federico Errázuriz Zañartu appointed him Intendant of Ñuble, and, in 1878, he was commissioned as commander in Mulchén.

Pierre Robineau de Portneuf

On 15 April 1750 the minister of Marine, Antoine Louis Rouillé, consenting to a request made by Governor Marquis de la Jonquière and Intendant François Bigot, granted permission to build a small fortified post at Toronto on the shore of Lake Ontario.

Staatsoper Stuttgart

During the era of Opera Intendant Klaus Zehelein, the company has won the Opera House of the Year award by the German magazine Opernwelt more often than any other company: in 1994 (the inaugural award), 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 and in 2006.

Zichy family

Count Géza Zichy (born 1849), nephew of the Count Ferenc mentioned above, studied under Franz Liszt and became a professional pianist; in 1891 he became intendant of the Hungarian national opera-house, a member of the Hungarian Upper House and head of the Conservatoire at Budapest.

see also