
2 unusual facts about International Zone

International zone

The United Kingdom and France established "international zones" or "control zones" at both ends of the Channel Tunnel, which crosses underneath the English Channel.

The official name started as the "Green Zone" but was later changed to the "International Zone" in June 2004 with the return of sovereignty to the Iraqi people.

Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq

MNSTC-I was commanded (since October 2009) by US Army Lieutenant General Michael D. Barbero and was headquartered in the International Zone in Baghdad at Phoenix Base, a former elementary school.

see also

Allied-occupied Austria

The historical center of Vienna was declared an international zone, in which occupation forces changed every month.

Multi-National Division - Baghdad

Of the brigades controlled by the 1st Cavalry Division, one was north of the city at Taji, one was in the northeastern part in Adhamiya, one at Camp Liberty in the west, one in the "International Zone" or "Green Zone" at the heart of the city, one on the southern outskirts, and a sixth in the southeast near Rasheed airfield.