The route departs the Laguna Pueblo, briefly transits the Tohajiilee Indian Reservation (a chapter of the Navajo Nation), crosses the Rio Puerco and begins a steep climb to the top of a mesa marked by several small cinder cones overlooking the Rio Grande rift and Albuquerque.
The route leaves the Acoma Indian Reservation with Mt. Taylor to the north and enters the Laguna Pueblo.
Mexico | Mexico City | New Mexico | Gulf of Mexico | Santa Fe, New Mexico | Mexico national football team | Interstate 75 | Albuquerque, New Mexico | University of New Mexico | Interstate 90 | Interstate 5 | Las Cruces, New Mexico | Interstate 94 | Interstate 81 | Interstate 80 | Interstate 70 | State of Mexico | México | New Mexico Territory | Maximilian I of Mexico | Interstate 40 | Taos, New Mexico | Interstate 95 | Interstate 10 | National Autonomous University of Mexico | Interstate 65 | Interstate 64 | Interstate 44 | Interstate 90 in Minnesota | President of Mexico |