Parts of the novel, under the title Captain Hardizan, were serialized in The American Weekly (the Sunday Supplement to the Boston newspaper) on August 6 and August 13, 1905 by Oswald Mathew.
The novel Invasion of the Sea, as well the plans of the characters in the novel, are inspired by the real life exploits of Captain François Élie Roudaire.
Black Sea | Mediterranean Sea | Baltic Sea | North Sea | Red Sea | Caspian Sea | Caribbean Sea | Adriatic Sea | 2003 invasion of Iraq | Aegean Sea | South China Sea | Sea of Japan | Irish Sea | Westland Sea King | Dead Sea | Arabian Sea | Tyrrhenian Sea | Southend-on-Sea | East China Sea | Turkish invasion of Cyprus | Ionian Sea | Invasion of Poland (1939) | Invasion | Bering Sea | White Sea | Kara Sea | First Sea Lord | Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles | Invasion of Poland | Dead Sea Scrolls |