
unusual facts about Is acher in gaíth in-nocht...

Is acher in gaíth in-nocht...

Is acher in gaíth in-nocht... is an anonymous ninth-century poem in Old Irish.

John Fleming, 5th Lord Fleming

It was reported;"they wald noct suffir his wyf within na boundes (expelled from her home), thre infantis with hir, the eldest of thame nocht thre yeir auld, schaiking thame furct of ther claythes and bedding most schamefullie ... and ther is twa of thame can noct speik." As well as the farm livestock the King's men took his deer and wild white cattle for Lennox's table in Edinburgh.


Mals, Upper Vinschgau: Oh reim reim, wem weard eppar dia Scheib sein, dia Scheib und mei Kniascheib kearn dem Hanssmerl und der Seffa zur a guate Nocht, daß die Bettstatt krocht.

St. Pauli

The former in the Bernhard Nocht Straße located hospital department is now in the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Martinistraße 52.

see also