
3 unusual facts about Isaac Vossius


The manuscript was known to Marcus Welser, Isaac Vossius, Claudius Salmasius, Jean Hardouin, and Johann Daniel Schöpflin; it was first printed with the title: "Dicuili Liber de mensura orbis terrae ex duobus codd. mss. bibliothecae imperialis nunc primum in lucem editus a Car. Athan. Walckenaer" (Paris, 1807).

Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie

It was brought to Sweden the first time in 1648, but Isaac Vossius, a Dutch librarian of Queen Christina took it to his home town.

Pronunciation of Ancient Greek in teaching

A further peculiarity of the English pronunciation of Ancient Greek occurred as a result of the work of Isaac Vossius who maintained in an anonymously published treatise that the written accents of Greek did not reflect the original pronunciation.

see also