Isode has a set of X.400 products that it classifies as both a Military Message Handling System (MMHS) and an Aviation Message Handling System (AMHS).
Isode Limited, a commercial company that produces messaging and directory server software.
Isode currently employs 25 people, Isode's CEO is Steve Kille who founded the ISODE consortium in 1992.
He founded Isode Limited in 1992, focusing on high end messaging and directory products, initially based around the ISODE codebase.
limited series | Rolls-Royce Limited | Arup Group Limited | Asia Television Limited | Komatsu Limited | Woolworths Limited | International Computers Limited | Hindustan Aeronautics Limited | David Jones Limited | Vickers Limited | Limited liability company | limited liability company | limited company | MIM Holdings Limited | Limited-access road | CHUM Limited | Speedo International Limited | Publishing and Broadcasting Limited | NTPC Limited | Limited | Lake Shore Limited | DLF Limited | Limited release | Limited company | JSE Limited | Isode Limited | Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited | CSR Limited | CityLink Limited | Ballarpur Industries Limited |