The 3d Connecticut Provincial Regiment (1775) was commanded by Colonel Israel Putnam.
During his writing career, which lasted 30 years, he wrote more than 40 books, mostly travel books, but also bird books, and biographies about Amerigo Vespucci, Hernán Cortés, and Israel Putnam.
Israel | Israel Defense Forces | Prime Minister of Israel | Putnam County, New York | Putnam County | Israel's unilateral disengagement plan | Putnam | Hilary Putnam | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | Acre, Israel | Israel national football team | Technion – Israel Institute of Technology | Israel Philharmonic Orchestra | George Palmer Putnam | Steve Israel | Land of Israel | Israel Prize | Israel Museum | Supreme Court of Israel | G. P. Putnam's Sons | William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition | Israel Putnam | Israel Finkelstein | Samuel Putnam | Putnam County, Tennessee | Jewish Agency for Israel | Jehoram of Israel | Israel Zangwill | Israel women's national volleyball team | Israel Police |
In September 2006, controversy erupted at Hamilton Avenue School, an elementary school in Greenwich, Connecticut, over Daugherty's depiction of Bunker Hill hero and Connecticut native Israel Putnam in a mural commissioned by Public Works of Art Project for the town hall, and installed in the school in 1935.
Putnam Cottage, where he had a close escape, owned by the Israel Putnam House Association
While a student in the law offices of a relative, Israel Putnam Richardson (the father of Civil War General Israel Bush Richardson), Origien joined the Army and participated in the Battle of Plattsburgh during the War of 1812.
Putnam Statue: In 1969 at age 93, the sculptress Anna Hyatt Huntington donated the equestrian statue of General Israel Putnam which is situated at the entrance to the park.