
4 unusual facts about Israeli settlement

Jewish settlement

Israeli settlement, Jewish communities currently established in the West Bank and in the Golan Heights, between 1967 and 2006 in the Gaza Strip and between 1967 and between 1967 and 1982 in the Sinai Peninsula

Mubarak Awad

Among the tactics employed was the planting of olive trees on proposed Israeli settlements, asking people not to pay taxes and encouraging people to eat and drink Palestinian products.

Ramot Mall

Ramot Mall (Kenyon Ramot) is an indoor/outdoor shopping mall in Ramot, a neighborhood or Israeli settlement in northwest East Jerusalem.

Sheikh Khalifa City

Once called "Morag", when it was a Gush Katif settlement, it has been retroceded to the Palestinian authorities after the settlers' buildings and facilities were destroyed by Israel in 2005.

Australian Jewish Democratic Society

It has taken positions opposing the Gaza Siege and the Occupation, including settlements, and is outspoken in support of civil rights in Israel and the occupied territories.

Baruch Goldstein

Following the end of his active duty, Goldstein worked as a physician and lived in the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron, where he worked as an emergency doctor, and was involved in treating victims of Arab-Israeli violence.

Geulah Cohen

The new party was strongly affiliated with the extra-parliamentary movement of Gush Emunim, and included prominent members of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza such as Hanan Porat and Elyakim Haetzni.

Jerusalem Development Authority

The proposal was opposed by city council member Meir Margalit, who called it a pretext for the future establishment of Israeli settlements.


Due to the cultural ties of Judaism with the Hebrew language, it can be alternately designated as Hebraization in regards to the renaming of geographic areas and personal names with Hebrew appellations, as has been the case with Jewish immigration and human settlement in Israel and Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories.

Orient House

The suggestion was made after George Mitchell told those at the meeting that Palestinian representatives had insisted that they would not return to negotiations until Israel halted all settlement activity in the eastern half of the city.

Zvi Malnovitzer

In this particular work, he alluded to a modern-day exile – a sequel to the Exodus from Egypt, the Babylonian exile, or expulsion from Spain - by portraying an uprooted Jewish settlement from hills of Samaria.

see also


Almon, Mateh Binyamin, also known as Anatot, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank

Haakon Lie

Lie initiated Operation donor funds for construction of Israeli settlement called "Moshav Norge" (Change to Yanuv) in memory of 28 children crashes in Hurum air disaster.


Gush Katif, the largest former Israeli settlement bloc in the Gaza Strip


Kedar, Gush Etzion, an Israeli settlement east of Jerusalem near Maale Adumim


Kfar HaOranim, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank also known as Menora


Kfar HaOranim, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank also known as Menorah

Netzarim Junction bicycle bombing

The attack occurred close to the then Israeli settlement of Netzarim, at the main junction of Gaza Strip's north-south highway.

Palestinian political violence

In 1987, a mass revolt, of predominantly civil resistance, called the First Intifada, exploded, leading to the Madrid Conference of 1991, and subsequently to the Oslo I Accord, which produced an interim understanding allowing a new Palestinian authority, the PNA to exercise limited autonomy in 3% (later 17%) of the West Bank, and parts of the Gaza Strip not used or earmarked for Israeli settlement.