
5 unusual facts about Settlement Commission

German Eastern Marches Society

Other notable group of supporters included the local artisans and businessmen, whose interests were endangered by the organic work, that is the Polish response to the economical competition promoted by the Settlement Commission and other similar organizations.

German minority in Poland

In the late 19th century, some Germans moved westward during the Ostflucht, while others were settled in Central Poland by a Prussian Settlement Commission.

Germanisation of the Province of Posen

The state-controlled Settlement Commission was to buy off land and estates from the local Poles and sell it, at a much lower price, to Germans.

Polish Corridor

A further 154,000 colonists, including locals, were settled by the Prussian Settlement Commission in the provinces of Posen and West Prussia before World War I. Military personnel was included in the population census.

A number of former settlers from the Prussian Settlement Commission who settled in the area after 1886 in order to Germanise it were in some cases given a month to leave, in other cases they were told to leave at once.

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