Alexander Laufer is an Israeli researcher, author, speaker, and consultant.
Gail Hareven is an Israeli author.
Omer Goldman Granot, from the Tel-Aviv suburb of Ramat HaSharon, is a member of the Shministim, a young Israeli conscientious objector who became famous for being the daughter of Naftali Granot, former deputy to Mossad’s chief Meir Dagan.
Contrary to this position, he could not unobjectionally be termed a "right winger"; for example, he expressed the view that "Palestinians" were legitimate Israelis, because they were, arguably, merely Jews and Hebrews of Muslim religion or faith.
Shosh Atari (November 24, 1950 – April 1, 2008) was an Israeli actress, born in Rehovot.
In 1981 she initiated The "Israel-That's Me!" conference, discussing the rifts between the Ashkenazi establishment and Mizrahi and Palestinian-Israeli citizens of Israel in the open for the first time.
Vitali Pushkar (born January 5, 1983) is an Israeli swimmer.
Israelis | Projects working for peace among Arabs and Israelis#Givat Haviva's Jewish-Arab Center for Peace |
It is considered a 'smaller games' for three reasons: attendance was significantly lower, particularly from the Australians (it sent only about 170 athletes, compared with around 400 in 1997); it was run at the height of the Second Intifada (and straight after the infamous Dolphinarium bombing—the largest of the Intifada—that killed 21 Israelis, mostly high school students); and not all wounds had been healed after the collapse of the bridge.
"If Palestinian terror did not continue to assault Israelis, if Qassam rockets stopped sailing out of Gaza into Israel, the incident in Beit Hanoun would never have happened," Carmon said.
As a composer for the group, she provided music for the play A Dybbuk by Tony Kushner, and collaborations with poet Allen Ginsburg and Israeli singer Chava Alberstein.
This bridge is still called the Allenby Bridge by Israelis, although it is also known as Al-Karameh Bridge to Palestinian Arabs, and the King Hussein Bridge to Jordanians.
In 2005, he was voted the 58th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.
In 2005, he was voted the 186th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.
In 1995 and with the direct approval of Jordanian King Hussein and Israeli Prime Minister, Itzhak Rabin, Schiff contributed to the Middle East peace process by leading a formation of 35 airplanes carrying 135 Americans, Israelis, and Jordanians from Jerusalem to Amman.
Among the international choreographers who worked with Bat Dor are Antony Tudor, van Dantzig, Lar Lubovitch, Alvin Ailey, Judith Jamison, Luciano Cannito and Israelis Domy Reiter-Soffer, Igal Perry and Ido Tadmor.
IDF Bulldozers cleared the road of wreckage and debris and the Israelis reached Fort Lakekan before turning northwards, finally reaching the crossing site.
Iran also has an informal Olympic boycott against participating against Israel, and Iranian athletes typically bow out or claim injuries when pitted against Israelis (see Arash Miresmaeili).
In collaboration with Hofmann and the Lutheran pastor Wolfgang Breithaupt from Weitenhagen/Germany and with the support of many donors, a vacational stay was made possible in the summer of 2002: Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Brunner, 18 young Israelis came to the church meeting center Haus der Stille (House of Silence) in Weitenhagen near Greifswald/Germany.
He has exhibited his work at the International Festival of Visual Arts in Acre in Israel; in Saloniki in Greece; at the Budapest Gallery and the "DEPO" Jewish Museum in Budapest,and the exhibition "The Machagodzilla Rabbit rides the Rocket Horse-Bela Lugosi and Houdini's Breakfast" in the Spiro Ark, London, as well as at the Association of Hungarian Painters and Israelis Artis.
In 2005, she was voted the 127th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.
Mass demonstrations had occurred a year earlier when, after two Gaza students at Birzeit University had been shot by Israeli soldiers on campus on December 4, 1986, the Israelis responded with harsh punitive measures, involving summary arrest, detention and systematic beatings of handcuffed Palestinian youths, ex-prisoners and activists, some 250 of whom were detained in four cells inside a converted army camp, known popularly as Ansar 11, outside Gaza city.
In 2003 he directed "The Bus", a play portraying the post-intifada relations between Palestinians and Israelis and the Israeli perspective towards Palestinians in the light of suicide bombings that emanated at that time.
In the book the author claimed that—eight months before Kenneth Starr had ever heard of Monica Lewinsky— the Israelis had about thirty hours of recorded tapes of President Bill Clinton talking intimately with her.
In modern Hebrew, the term Judaization is used to describe the cultural life of baalei teshuvah, or "returnees", and refers to a "process through which secular, non-observant, young (and not so young) Israelis who have grown up in Israel within the majority culture, have become practicing Orthodox Jews and have joined the minority subculture of Orthodoxy".
In 2005, she was voted the 46th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.
On 11 March 1978, eleven Palestinian militants landed in Zodiac boats on a beach just outside Ma'agan Michael and from there ventured towards Tel Aviv in a hijacked bus in what has become known as the Coastal Road massacre where 38 Israelis were killed.
Migdalim was first established on 1984 as a pioneer Nahal military outpost, and demilitarized when turned over to residential purposes in 1986 to non-Orthodox Jewish Israelis.
In 2005, he was voted the 35th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.
The film, which stars Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Philip Seymour Hoffman, tells the story of a Texas congressman (Hanks) who works to help the Mujahideen defeat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan using an unlikely alliance of lawmakers, Israelis, Pakistanis, arms dealers and Egyptians.
In 2005, he was voted the 66th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.
The purpose of the unit is to allow religious Israelis to serve in the IDF in an atmosphere conducive to their religious convictions, within a framework that is strictly halachically observant.
Neve Daniel has a mixed population of native Israelis and immigrants from the former Soviet Union, France, Canada, and the United States.
Its main streets became lined once again with artists' studios, including the ceramics studio of Samy D., alongside trendy cafés and bars, and more recently boutique hotels and shops selling hand-made goods to wealthy Israelis and tourists.
In 2005, he was voted the 68th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.
Ori Sivan (born July 30, 1964 in San Francisco) is an Israeli film director, television director, screenwriter, and film editor.
Post-Zionism refers to the opinions of some Israelis, diaspora Jews and others, particularly in academia, that Zionism has fulfilled its ideological mission with the creation of the modern State of Israel in 1948, and that Zionist ideology should therefore be considered at an end.
The burning of a mosque at the Bedouin town Tuba-Zangariyye on 3 October 2011 shocked Israelis, as many Bedouins, including those from this village, serve in the Israeli army.
The book makes claims that the Israelis used the Muslim Brotherhood 1982 in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy President Assad of Syria during the uprisings in Homs and Hama.
Lauren is married to actor Guri Weinberg, son of the Israeli wrestling coach Moshe Weinberg.
In 2005, he was voted the 134th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.
In the meantime, Finkler joins an "ASHamed" organization which favours the Palestinians over the Israelis over their land disputes.
The story follows the manipulations of Martin Kurtz, an Israeli spymaster who is trying to kill a Palestinian terrorist named Khalil, who is bombing Jewish-related targets in Europe, particularly Germany, and the English actress Charlie, who becomes a double agent working on behalf of the Israelis.
To Die in Jerusalem is a 2007 HBO documentary film about the effects of a March 29, 2002, Jerusalem suicide bombing on the families of the 17 year-old Israeli victim Rachel Levy and the 18 year-old Palestinian female suicide bomber, Ayat al-Akhras.
Israeli spokesman for the Office of the Prime Minister, Mark Regev, told The Guardian that "I called my kids in to watch it because I thought it was funny. It is what Israelis feel. But the government has nothing to do with it".
General Israel Tal gave a deposition arguing that the Rafiah Plain area had been used by terrorists, who had attacked Israelis, as a shelter.
In 2005, Aryeh was voted the 170th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.