
3 unusual facts about Italian Somaliland

British Military Administration

The British Military Administration (Somalia), the interim administration established on former Italian Somaliland between 1941 and 1949.

Carlo De Simone

During most of the East African Campaign, Lieutenant-General De Simone commanded Italian forces in southern Italian Somaliland.

Sylvia Pankhurst

After the post-war liberation of Ethiopia, she became a strong supporter of union between Ethiopia and the former Italian Somaliland, and MI5's file continued to follow her activities.

Central Bank of Somalia

NBI was the first bank in British Somaliland and was the banker to the colonial government until British Somaliland joined Italian Somaliland to form the Somali Republic in 1960.


Upon independence in 1960, the East African shilling in the State of Somaliland (former British Somaliland) and the Somali somalo in the Trust Territory of Somalia (former Italian Somaliland) were replaced by the Somali shilling.

Vincenzo Filonardi

From 3 August 1889 to 15 May 1893 Filonardi was the first Governor of Italian Somaliland and was in charge of an italian company responsible for the administration of the Benadir territory.

see also

Italian East Africa

In 1949 Italian Somaliland was reconstituted as the Trust Territory of Somalia, which was administered by Italy from 1950 until its independence in 1960.

Olol Dinle

In 1915, Sultan Olol Dinle of Kelafo, Sultan Ali Yusuf Kenadid of Hobyo, and the Italian Somaliland government attempted to dislodge the Darwiish forces of Sayyid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, who had conquered territory near Beledweyne in their rapid advance southwards.