
unusual facts about Italo-Turkish War

Alessandra Silvestri-Levy

Alessandra Silvestri-Levy (born November 1 in São Paulo) is an Italo -Brazilian producer, art curator, and writer.

Anthony Himbs

Himbs, son of an Italo-American father and a Canadian mother, was raised in Texas, France, England, Canada, Italy and Spain, and began his career as an assistant director for Léonard Keigel and Lewis Furey.

Apostol Mărgărit

After the Russo-Turkish War, 1877–1878 and the independence of Romania, the Ottoman government accepted him as school inspector of the Romanian schools on Turkish territory.


The Sevel Sud Italo-French consortium plant, manufacturing the Fiat Ducato and the PSA's equivalent vans, is located in Atessa's territory.

Avigliano, Basilicata

Later it was expanded by the Normans and was a hunter mansion for Frederick II of Hohenstaufen and a summer residence for the Angevine kings of Naples.


However, the village near what is now Avola appeared only during the Norman or Hohenstaufen rule (12th-13th centuries).

Barbu Dimitrie Ştirbei

After Wallachia was occupied by Imperial Russia following the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829, general Pavel Kiseleff promoted him to the central government, where he served as president of the Wallachian commission charged with drafting the Organic Regulation, the first form of constitutional law ever implemented in Wallachia.

Battle of Akhalzic

A battle under the walls of Akhaltsikhe during the Russo-Turkish War, 1828-1829 on August 9 (August 21 O.S., 1828) between 9,000 Russians under Field-Marshal Paskevich and 30,000 Turks under Kios-Mahomet-Pasha.

Battle of Civitate

The Battle of Civitate (also known as Battle of Civitella del Fortore) was fought on 18 June 1053 in Southern Italy, between the Normans, led by the Count of Apulia Humphrey of Hauteville, and a Swabian-Italian-Lombard army, organised by Pope Leo IX and led on the battlefield by Gerard, Duke of Lorraine, and Rudolf, Prince of Benevento.

Béni Kállay

After the Russo-Turkish War of 1878 he went to Plovdiv (modern Bulgaria) as Austro-Hungarian envoy extraordinary on the International Eastern Rumelian Commission.

Bulgarian Exarchate

Exarch Antim I was discharged by the Ottoman government immediately after the outbreak of the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78 on April 24, 1877, and was sent into exile in Ankara.

Capitán Pastene

Settlers arrived from the north Italian region of Emilia Romagna (Bologna and major cities such as Modena) and left a generation of Italo-Chilean that lasts to this day, which has contributed to enriching the local culture.

Carol I of Romania

He took part in the Second Schleswig War, including the assault of the Fredericia citadel and Dybbøl, an experience which would be very useful to him later in the Russo-Turkish war.

Circassian diaspora

However, one of the last descendants of this family, Mihail Christodulo Cerchez, was a Romanian national hero in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 (Osman Paşa, the Turkish commander of the Pleven garrison, who was an Adyge himself, surrendered his sword to Cerchez at the end of the siege).

Emilio, marquis Visconti-Venosta

In regard to the Mediterranean he established an Italo-French agreement by which France tacitly undertook to leave Italy a free hand in Tripoli, and Italy not to interfere with French policy in the interior of Morocco; and, in regard to the Adriatic, he came to an understanding with Austria guaranteeing the status quo in Albania.


Faraualla has performed with various artists of international renown including the Mongolian Sainkho Namtchylak, the Italo-Palistinian Al Darawish, the American Bobby McFerrin, and the Italians Daniele Sepe and Lucilla Galeazzi.


During the Italo-Abyssinian War, a large group of Ethiopian soldiers, marching to the north to fight the Italians, arrived almost starving at the town of Freweyni.


It is famous as the original stronghold of the Hauteville family who made their fortunes in southern Italy and Sicily as the Norman kings of Sicily, beginning with the modest Norman seigneur Tancred of Hauteville, who is commemorated by a simple exhibit housed in the former presbytère.

I Musici

Violins: Salvatore Accardo, Federico Agostini, Felix Ayo, Arnaldo Apostoli, Pina Carmirelli, Italo Colandrea, Anna Maria Cotogni, Walter Gallozzi, Roberto Michelucci, Mariana Sirbu, Franco Tamponi, Luciano Vicari

Ian Brusasco

He was born Italo Prospero Brusasco in 1928 to parents from the small Italian town of Cuccaro Monferrato (his cousin Pier Giuseppe Brusasco was mayor of the town until 2009).

Il Discotto Records

It released material by many well-known artists like Gary Low, Doctor's Cat, Brand Image, Martinelli, Paul Sharada, Betty Miranda, Reeds, Mike Rogers, Raggio Di Luna, Hot Cold, Eugene, Max Coveri, as well as obscure Italo disco acts.


After the Greco-Turkish War ended in Greek defeat in Anatolia, and the fall of Lloyd George and his Middle Eastern policies, the western powers agreed to the Treaty of Lausanne with the new Turkish Republic, in 1923.

Italians in the United Kingdom

The fifteenth century also saw the birth of a pivotal Italo-Englishman in the form of John Florio, a famed language teacher, lexicographer, and translator.

Ítalo Piaggi

Lieutenant-Colonel Ítalo Ángel Piaggi (17 March 1935; San Fernando, Argentina – 31 July 2012, Buenos Aires) was an Argentine Army commander who was involved in the Battle of Goose Green in the Falklands War.

Italo Zanzi

Italo Zanzi, born May 18, 1974 in New York, is a sports business executive and attorney, currently CEO of Serie A team AS Roma.

Until October 2011, Italo served as Deputy General Secretary of CONCACAF.

Italo-Yemeni Treaty

The Red Sea was of strategic importance to the United Kingdom due to both trade and as a route for its navy to pass through in order to reach India among other places.

Johann Rall

From September 1771 until August 1772, he was in Russia and fought for Catherine the Great under Count Orlov in the Fourth Russo-Turkish War.

Joshua ben Aaron Zeitlin

During the Russo-Turkish war he was a contractor for the Russian army, and on August 1, 1879, Czar Alexander II awarded him a medal in recognition of his services.

Lawrence Norfolk

It imagines the writing of Lemprière's dictionary as tied to the founding of the British East India Company and the Siege of La Rochelle generations before; it also visits the Austro-Turkish War.

Locomotive Breath

It was covered by Rabbitt on their 1975 album Boys Will Be Boys, by Italo-disco outfit Cat Gang in 1983, by W.A.S.P. on the reissue of their 1989 album The Headless Children (as a bonus track), Styx on their 2005 album Big Bang Theory, and Helloween on their 1999 album Metal Jukebox.

Mikhail Dmitrievich Gorchakov

Gorchakov demonstrated bravery during the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829, on 29 May 1829 he was one of the first to swim across the Danube.

Paul Davidovich

During the Austro-Turkish War, Davidovich talked the Turkish governor of Šabac into surrendering in 1788.


In the 12th century it was conquered by the Normans, and, together with Capo D'Armi, Condofuri and Montebello Ionico, it became part of a baronal fief under the Abenavoli family.


Ioan Sturdza's rule in Moldavia and Grigore IV Ghica's in Wallachia are considered the first of the new period: as such, the new regime was to have its own abrupt ending with the Russian occupation during another Russo−Turkish War, and the subsequent period of Russian influence (see Regulamentul Organic).

Piedone a Hong Kong

Rizzo is accused of the murder and decides to investigate the arrival of an Italo-American mafia man, Frank Barella (Al Lettieri).

Pirogov Glacier

The glacier is named for the Russian scientist and surgeon Nikolay Pirogov (1810-1881) who developed modern health care in Bulgaria during the 1877-78 Russo-Turkish War.

Polizzi Generosa

The town probably developed as a population center in the late Middle Ages, growing around the castle built by the Norman Count of Sicily Roger I in 1076.

Robert of Loritello

Robert I of Loritello (died 1107), Italo-Norman nobleman, first count of Loritello (1061–1107)

Rosanna Marani

She has collaborated with Il Giornale d'Italia and Il Resto del Carlino under the guidance of Gualtiero Vecchietti and Italo Cucci.

Sicilian revolution of 1848

Both kingdoms had previously comprised the single Kingdom of Sicily (created by the Normans in the 11th century) during the 12th and 13th centuries, and were split in two following the revolt of the Sicilian Vespers in 1282.

Spiro Koleka

After completing his secondary education in the Italo–Albanian college of San Demetrio Corone (Collegio of Sant'Adriano), in the Italian province of Cosenza, Spiro Koleka continued his higher education at the University of Pisa (1930–1934) where he graduated as a Civil Engineer.

Treaty of Belgrade

The Habsburg withdrawal forced Russia to accept peace at the Russo-Turkish War, 1735-1739 with the Treaty of Niš, whereby it was allowed to build a port at Azov, gaining a foothold on the Black Sea.


The most significant change in the demographic structure of Turhal occurred during the second half of the 19th century as the town became a place of settlement for the Muslim refugees and immigrants coming from the Balkans and Caucasus due to constant military conflicts that the collapsing Ottomans got involved around those regions such as the Crimean War (1854–1878) and the Russo-Turkish War, 1877–1878.

Veronica Vasicka

Specializing in obscure electronic gems, she loves old New Wave, Italo and House music.


Zaptìé detachments participated in the Italian conquest of Ethiopia in 1936 and in the East African Campaign of World War II.

see also

Bombing of Libya

1911–1912: Giulio Gavotti, first-in-the-world aerial bombardment in a heavier-than-air flyer and first-in-the-world night mission in same; Italo-Turkish War in Libya