
3 unusual facts about Iustin Moisescu

Iustin Moisescu

As a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (1961–77), he participated in general congresses at New Delhi (1961), Uppsala (1969) and Nairobi (1975) as well as at the annual sessions of the Central Committee at Paris (1962), Geneva (1966, 1973 and 1976), Heraklion (1967), Canterbury (1969), Addis Ababa (1971), Utrecht (1972), Berlin (1974), etc.

In Warsaw, he established the following Polish-language courses: “General and specific introduction to the holy books of the New Testament”; “Exegesis of Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians”; and “Exegesis of the prologue to the Gospel of John”.

There followed a quick succession of professorates, with rapid promotion: Professor of Latin at Bucharest’s Nifon Seminary (1937–38); New Testament Professor at the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of Orthodox Theology (1938–39), where he replaced the celebrated professor Nicolae Arseniev.


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