Among his many collaborations with other directors, Schmidt-Reitwein is notable for his cinematographic achievement in shooting Alan Greenberg's acclaimed 1982 documentary about Jamaica and death of Bob Marley, Land of Look Behind.
Jörg Schmidt-Reitwein (born 1939 in Königs Wusterhausen, Germany) is a German cinematographer.
Helmut Schmidt | Eric Schmidt | Helle Thorning-Schmidt | Harold von Schmidt | Hans Schmidt | Otto Schmidt | Mike Schmidt | Jörg Faerber | Schmidt camera | Karl Schmidt-Rottluff | Jörg Haider | Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt | Jean Schmidt | Wolfgang Schmidt | Stanley F. Schmidt | Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope | Schmidt | Miloslav Schmidt | John Schmidt | Hans Schmidt (wrestler) | Hans-Jörg Butt | Werner Schmidt | Steve Schmidt | Nicolaus Schmidt | Mary Schmidt Campbell | Maarten Schmidt | Loki Schmidt | Jörg Widmann | Jörg Ritzerfeld | Jörg Demus |