In 1845, he obtained a position as an assistant at the private Benzenberg observatory in Bilk near Düsseldorf, but a year later joined the Bonn Observatory under Friedrich Wilhelm Argelander.
Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt (1825–1884), known as Julius Schmidt or 'Schmidt of Athens', German astronomer
Utilizing the Sina's family donation, Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt took care of the instruments' repairing and maintenance.
In December 1858 the nomination for the new permanent director took place, on December 4 Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt was nominated, and on 16 December Schmidt became the new director of Athens Observatory.
Johann Sebastian Bach | Julius Caesar | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Friedrich Nietzsche | Friedrich Schiller | Johann Strauss II | Friedrich Engels | St. Johann in Tirol | Helmut Schmidt | Pope Julius II | Carl Friedrich Gauss | Karl Friedrich Schinkel | Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi | Friedrich Dürrenmatt | Johann Albert Fabricius | Friedrich Hayek | Caspar David Friedrich | William Julius Wilson | Julius Caesar (play) | Johann Christian Bach | Johann Georg Wagler | Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Friedrich Hölderlin | Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle | Julius Rudel | Friedrich Ebert | Johann Pachelbel | Johann Nepomuk Hummel | Johann Gottfried Herder | Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling |
Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt estimating it as 3 to 4 arcmin across on March 9, and 8 to 10 arcmin across on the 22nd of that same month.