Following Jack Sangster's purchase of Triumph in 1936 he moved there under Edward Turner and help to develop the design for the Triumph Speed Twin which influenced many motorcycles of the time and since.
His second son Jack Sangster went on to become one of the most influential pioneers in the British motorcycle industry.
Sangster was born in Kings Norton, Birmingham, the second of three sons of Charles Thomas Brock Sangster, an engineer, who since 1902 was the owner of Cycle Components Ltd, better known as the motorcycle brand Ariel.
The all new Rover 8 light car was designed by Jack Sangster largely before he joined Rover and was built in a new factory in Tyseley, Birmingham and driven to Coventry to have its body fitted.
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Until the mid-sixties, Bournbrook was the home to Ariel motorcycles owned by first Charles Sangster then his son Jack Sangster, and with their main factory in Dale Road.