
unusual facts about Jacob C. Vouza

Jacob C. Vouza

On August 20, while scouting for suspected Japanese outposts, Vouza was captured by men of the Ichiki Detachment, a battalion-strength force of the Japanese 28th Infantry Regiment.

22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry

Jacob C. Higgins was selected to serve as colonel, A. J. Greenfield as lieutenant colonel, and George T. Work, Elias S. Troxell, and Henry A. Myers as majors.

Jacob C. Bogart

After a steady stream of people started to travel to San Francisco from Panama during the California Gold Rush, a coaling station was set up in San Diego.

Bogart was stationed in San Diego where he was in charge of a coak hulk Clarissa Andrews that was anchored in San Diego Bay.

Jacob C. Gottschalk

In 1701, he received a letter from the church in Goch, permitting him to migrate to Pennsylvania, where he arrived at Germantown, Pennsylvania in 1702.

Jacob Davis

Jacob C. Davis (1820–1883), American politician (Illinois) & criminal defendant

see also