In 1855 Dr Marcel Jérôme Rigollot of Amiens strongly advocated the authenticity of the flint implements; but it was not until 1858 that Hugh Falconer saw the collection at Abbeville and induced Sir Joseph Prestwich in the following year to visit the locality.
Jacques Chirac | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Jacques Offenbach | Jacques-Louis David | Jacques Brel | Jacques Lacan | Jacques Derrida | Jacques Cartier | Jacques Cousteau | Jean-Jacques Goldman | Jacques Lipchitz | Jacques Higelin | Jacques Dutronc | Jacques Delors | François Boucher | Jean-Jacques Annaud | Jacques Rouvier | Jacques Rogge | Jacques Prévert | Jacques Villeneuve | Jacques Lanzmann | Jacques Hébert | Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris | Jacques Attali | Jacques | Jacques Monod | Jacques Maritain | Jacques Kallis | Jacques Fath | Jacques Anquetil |
In 1851, at Clermont-le-Fort, he discovered the remains of Pleistocene fauna, along with the presence of lithic artifacts, findings that seemingly proved the co-existence of Pleistocene animals with humans, and in essence, confirmed ideas that were earlier proposed by prehistorian Jacques Boucher de Perthes (1788-1868).