
4 unusual facts about Jacques Champion de Chambonnières

Jacques Champion de Chambonnières

The title Chambonnières originally belonged to Chambonnières's maternal grandfather: it was the name of a small manor in the commune of Le Plessis-Feu-Aussoux.

Chambonnières's financial situation probably ceased to be stable already in the early 1650s, when the Fronde armies laid the Brie region to waste.

The Champion family included many musicians, most notably Thomas Champion (also known as Mithou; not to be confused with his English namesake), Chambonnières's grandfather, whom Marin Mersenne described as "the greatest contrapuntist of his time."

A series of concerts titled Assemblée des honnestes curieux was given in the mid-1650s; those given in autumn 1655 were attended by Christiaan Huygens.

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