In 1983, Cheminade published a statement on the danger of "new fascism" posed by an alleged plot against French president François Mitterrand by some of his socialist ministers, including Jacques Delors and Michel Rocard.
His program also made references to ideas the ideas of Lazare Carnot, a "Republican scientist", Jean Jaurès, the only Socialist "with broad ideas" and the only one who "knew Leibniz and the pre-Socratic philosophers", as well as Jean-Baptiste Colbert, who also "understood the epistemological foundations of France".
Jacques Chirac | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Jacques Offenbach | Jacques-Louis David | Jacques Brel | Jacques Lacan | Jacques Derrida | Jacques Cartier | Jacques Cousteau | Jean-Jacques Goldman | Jacques Lipchitz | Jacques Higelin | Jacques Dutronc | Jacques Delors | Jean-Jacques Annaud | Jacques Rouvier | Jacques Rogge | Jacques Prévert | Jacques Villeneuve | Jacques Lanzmann | Jacques Hébert | Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris | Jacques Attali | Jacques | Jacques Monod | Jacques Maritain | Jacques Kallis | Jacques Fath | Jacques Anquetil | André-Jacques Garnerin |