
2 unusual facts about Jacques Ignace Hittorff

Jacques Ignace Hittorff

Hittorff also designed the Circus of the Empress, the Rotunda of the panoramas, the Gare du Nord (1861–63), many cafés and restaurants on the Champs-Élysées, the facades forming the circle round the Arc de Triomphe in Place de l'Étoile, besides many embellishments in the Bois de Boulogne and other places.

With Thomas Leverton Donaldson and Charles Robert Cockerell, Hittorff was also a member of the committee formed in 1836 to determine whether the Elgin Marbles and other Greek statuary in the British Museum had originally been coloured; their conclusions were published in Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1842.

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