
2 unusual facts about Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu

Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu

In 1226 he attacked Georgia and sacked Tbilisi, destroying all the churches and massacring the city's Christian population.

He was murdered in 1231 in Diyarbakir by a Kurdish assassin hired by the Seljuks or possibly by Kurdish highwaymen.

Adam Plack

He has participated in a number of cross-cultural music projects, including several recordings of meditation music with NY Times best-selling philosopher Deepak Chopra, including A Gift of Love (1998), which consists of translations of the poems of Rumi.

Bones of the Hills

It focuses mainly on the Mongol invasion of Islamic Central Asia, the war against shah Muhammad II of Khwarezm and his son Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu and the brutal massacres at Urgench and Merv.


The Mongols sacked the Khwarazmian kingdom (Khwarazm-Shah), captured Khiva and forced its ruler, Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu al-Khwarazmi to flee to the Punjab.


Konya holds two earlier türbe, with conical roofs, of the Seljuk Rum dynasty in the Alaeddin Mosque (12th century onwards), and the türbe of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, which is a major shrine and pilgrimage point, just like the türbe of Gül Baba in Budapest, Hungary.

see also