
unusual facts about Jane Hamsher

United States v. Libby

On January 3, 2007, the first team of bloggers to announce that they had been granted press credentials was Firedoglake, a progressive blog founded by Jane Hamsher.

Blog Wars

The 60 minute film features a range of top bloggers, liberal and conservative, including: Markos Moulitsas, founder of DailyKos; Michelle Malkin, blogger and Fox News Commentator; Jane Hamsher, founder of firedoglake; John Hinderaker, co-founder of Powerline; Charles Foster Johnson, founder of littlegreenfootballs; Andrew Sullivan, former editor of the New Republic.


Blogads provides advertising to many high-traffic blogs, including Daily Kos, Perez Hilton, Cute Overload, Wonkette, Dlisted, Go Fug Yourself, Atrios, Talking Points Memo, Americablog, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Political Wire, and Outside the Beltway.

see also