
6 unusual facts about Japanese internment


Japanese internment: The Los Angeles County Fairgrounds was one of the locations used as a temporary detention camp in 1942 for Japanese and Japanese-Americans before they were relocated to more permanent facilities such as the Manzanar War Relocation Center.

Fujitaro Kubota

Kubota and his family were interned at Camp Minidoka in Idaho during the early days of World War II.

Japanese internment

Japanese Canadian internment, the internment of Japanese Canadians in Canada during World War II

Japanese American internment, the internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II

Nisei Week

Japanese internment presented another tumultuous and racially charged period for Nisei Week and the greater Japanese community.

Student Christian Movement of Canada

Since its founding, SCM Canada has taken stands on pressing social issues of its time, including support for the ordination of women, opposing internment of Japanese-Canadians during World War II; anti-war activities since the 1960s; and facing controversy for its solidarity with lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-identified Christians.

see also

The Landlord's Game

In a 2004 episode of PBS' History Detectives (title: Monopoly; Japanese Internment Camp Artwork; The Lewis and Clark Cane), the show investigated a game board belonging to a Delaware man, having an intermediate version of a game combining elements of The Landlord's Game and Monopoly.