
4 unusual facts about Jared Taylor

Jared Taylor

Mark Potok and Heidi Beirich, writing in the Intelligence Report (a publication of the Southern Poverty Law Center), state that Taylor is "the cultivated, cosmopolitan face of white supremacy" and "the guy who is providing the intellectual heft, in effect, to modern-day Klansmen".

The Southern Poverty Law Center describes Taylor as "a courtly presenter of ideas that most would describe as crudely white supremacist – a kind of modern-day version of the refined but racist colonialist of old".

In the 1980s, Taylor was West Coast editor of PC Magazine and a consultant before founding the American Renaissance periodical in 1990.

Taylor has also given support to Hans-Hermann Hoppe's attempts to persuade libertarians to oppose immigration; he generally approves of Hoppe's work, although he sees the pursuit of a society with no government at all to be "the sort of experiment one might prefer to watch in a foreign country before attempting it oneself".

National Policy Institute

In September 2011, NPI hosted its first national conference, entitled "Towards a New Nationalism." Speakers included Richard B. Spencer, Keith Preston, Byron Roth, Alex Kurtagic, Tomislav Sunic, Jared Taylor and his associate Sam Dickson.

see also