Jargon, language use that is characteristic of a social group
The usage of such phrases still exists in modern Turkish, but only to a very limited extent and usually in specialist contexts; for example, the Persian genitive construction takdîr-i ilâhî (which reads literally as "the preordaining of the divine", and translates as "divine dispensation" or "destiny") is used, as opposed to the normative modern Turkish construction, ilâhî takdîr (literally, "divine preordaining").
Long neglected for their historical merit by historians, except for James Grant Duff in the making of his "History of the Marathas", due to their colourful literary style with elements of Marathi, Sanskrit aphorisms and Persian administrative jargon, bakhars are recently being investigated for their historical content.
Bodily harm, legal jargon used in the definition of both statutory and common law offences
Cheli, according to the Royal Spanish Academy, is the jargon with elements of certain traditional working class districts of Madrid, Spain, such as Lavapiés and Atocha in the southern part of the old city (close to cockney culture of London's East End), together with marginal and counter-cultural elements.
In his novel The Last Dickens, Matthew Pearl makes the Captain of the Samaria transatlantic liner assume that Herman the Parsee might be sleeping soundly in Davy Jones's locker, namely that he has almost certainly perished in the depths. Use of seamen jargon chimes with the dickensian topic and environment of the novel.
The term was coined by Sean Carton in 1995 and first appeared in print as an entry in Gareth Branwyn's March 1995 Jargon Watch column in Wired.
Her work has been featured in publications including Quartet: Four North Carolina Photographers, Safe Harbor Books, 2005; To See, poems by Michael McFee, North Carolina Wesleyan Press, 1991; Blithe Air: Photographs of England, Wales, and Ireland, Jargon Society, 1995; and Shell Castle, Portrait of a North Carolina House, Safe Harbor Books, 2008.
Mohammad Mokhtari, graduate of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, a renowned poet, novelist, and literary critic, and a leading member of the Iranian P.E.N. in 1980s and 1990s who was assassinated by elements from the Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic in 1999 as a victim of what was later labeled in Iranian political jargon "chain murders"
In John Dunton's Letters from Ireland (1698) he writes that in Fingal "they have a sort of jargon speech peculiar to themselves, and understand not one word of Irish, and are as little understood by the English".
Donald Knuth notes that Hans Peter Luhn of IBM appears to have been the first to use the concept, in a memo dated January 1953, and that Robert Morris used the term in a survey paper in CACM which elevated the term from technical jargon to formal terminology.
She criticized the lack of depth and tendency towards jargon in his seminal 1932 work Der Yoga als Heilweg and further argued that the teachings of Krishna and Buddha had in fact been adopted by the writers of the Old and New Testaments, making Indian religion off-limits given her aversion to Christianity.
By contrast, when Bertrand Russell writes, in The Principles of Mathematics, "A class ... is neither a predicate nor a class-concept, for different predicates and different class-concepts may correspond to the same class." Russell uses the word class in a sense that might or might not correspond neatly to any identifiable ordinary English use of the word; so we might say that he is not using ordinary language, but jargon.
Previously known as Punta Troia, changed its name to punta ala (from aviation jargon) due to the great Italian aviator Italo Balbo, who had purchased some fortifications and villas in the area which later became his residences.
Harman worked for a time as an assistant manager at Papa John's Pizza in Alexandria, Virginia, before her company was activated for duty in Iraq in February 2003, and was deployed to Fort Lee, Virginia for additional training; however, this was in combat support, not I/R (military jargon for "internment and resettlement.").
Swiftboating, political jargon for a particular form of character assassination as a smear tactic
Subjects included computer applications, computer hardware and software technology, concepts in computer science, practical electronics projects, BASIC and machine code programming, other programming languages, operating systems (including MS-DOS and UNIX), and a jargon dictionary.