
4 unusual facts about Javad Shamaqdari

Iranian sex tape scandal

One of them, Journey to Hidalou was reviewed for compliance with Islamic law by Javad Shamaqdari, Iran's deputy culture minister for film.

Javad Shamaqdari

Javad Shamaqdari is an Iranian filmmaker and "deputy culture minister of film" to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

In April 2012, he responded to "What Must Be Said" with a letter to Günter Grass: "I have read your literary work, highly responsible both from a human and historical point of view, and I found it extremely timely. Telling the truth in such a way may truly awaken the west's silent and dormant conscience".

What Must Be Said

The Iranian deputy culture minister, Javad Shamaqdari, offered effusive praise of the poem in a letter to Grass: "I have read your literary work, highly responsible both from a human and historical point of view, and I found it extremely timely. Telling the truth in such a way may truly awaken the west's silent and dormant conscience".

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