Look Afraid also collaborated with legendary poster artist Jeff Gaither, who has designed images for the Misfits, Van Halen and Guns N' Roses, on two poster designs for a series of Halloween shows, one of which was featured on the cover of Miami University's Amusement Magazine.
Jeff Beck | Jeff Koons | Jeff Foxworthy | Jeff Buckley | Jerry Jeff Walker | Jeff Daniels | Jeff Bezos | Jeff Minter | Jeff Tweedy | Jeff Sagarin | Jeff Bingaman | Jeff Goldblum | Jeff Bridges | Jeff Porcaro | Jeff Hardy | Jeff Bennett | Jeff Wall | Jeff Kennett | Jeff Gordon | Jeff Jarrett | Jeff Garlin | Jeff Flake | Jeff Fisher | Jeff Coffin | DJ Jazzy Jeff | Jeff Stelling | Jeff Martin | Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds | Jeff Rowley | Jeff Probyn |