The series Transformers: Prime won a 2012 Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Special Class Animated Program for which Jeff Kline was named for his work as executive producer.
From 2006-2008 he was a consulting producer for Cartoon Network’s Banana Splits revival, wrote a Paris Hilton pilot for MTV, and co-wrote the feature film The Rosenbergs Save Christmas (with Goldie Hawn attached to star) for Fox Searchlight.
While Kline was executive producer, PBS children’s series Dragon Tales was nominated for the Outstanding Children’s Animated Program Daytime Emmy in 2001, 2002, and 2003.
Jeff Kline, an award-winning producer of children's TV programs;
Jeff Beck | Kevin Kline | Jeff Koons | Jeff Foxworthy | Jeff Buckley | Jerry Jeff Walker | Jeff Daniels | Maxine Kline | Jeff Bezos | Jeff Minter | Jeff Tweedy | Jeff Sagarin | Jeff Bingaman | Jeff Goldblum | Jeff Bridges | Franz Kline | Jeff Porcaro | Jeff Hardy | Jeff Bennett | Jeff Wall | Jeff Kennett | Jeff Gordon | Jeff Jarrett | Jeff Garlin | Jeff Flake | Jeff Fisher | Jeff Coffin | DJ Jazzy Jeff | Jeff Stelling | Jeff Martin |