The part has also been played by James Bolam, Dennis Waterman, Robert Powell, and most recently Simon Hill in the Frayed Knot Production of the play.
George Bernard Shaw | Bernard of Clairvaux | Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein | Jeffrey Sachs | Bernard Madoff | Jeffrey Archer | Bernard-Henri Lévy | Bernard Haitink | Bernard Berenson | Bernard Hopkins | Bernard Cornwell | St. Bernard | Bernard Montgomery | Bernard Herrmann | Bernard | Bernard Malamud | Bernard Baruch | Michael Jeffrey Shapiro | Bernard Kouchner | Bernard Hinault | Bernard Comrie | Jeffrey Steele | Jeffrey Lewis | Jeffrey Hunter | Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research | Bernard Edwards | Bernard Devauchelle | Jeffrey Katzenberg | Bernard Tschumi | Bernard Maybeck |