
2 unusual facts about Jesús de Polanco

Jesús de Polanco

Prisa also had important interests in editing books and owned the Editorial Santillana, Ediciones El País, El País Aguilar Alfaguara, Altea, Tiendas Crisol, Tauris and Richmon Publishing.

Joaquin Calomarde

This contravened a PP directive which the party had issued days earlier advising its members to cease cooperation with the newspaper following statements by its owner Jesús de Polanco, which the party considered offensive.

Eduardo Haro Tecglen

The homage to him, held at the Teatro Español, a few days after his death, was attended by, among others, the founder of Triunfo, José Ángel Ezcurra; the journalist Fernando Delgado; the former and current editors of El País, Juan Luis Cebrián and Joaquín Estefanía, respectively; the president de PRISA, Jesús de Polanco; the actors Diego Galán and Núria Espert, and the then mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón.

see also