
3 unusual facts about Jessica Cutler

2010 Duke University faux sex thesis controversy

The bulk of the controversy surrounded whether she invaded her partners' rights to privacy, and whether the subjects of Owen's faux thesis have a right to sue, as was done in the case of Jessica Cutler when Cutler published details of her sex life on a blog.

Jessica Cutler

After the Spitzer story broke, the Post published an article alleging that Cutler was "among the inner circle of a Manhattan call-girl ring that counted Eliot Spitzer as a client...," and that she "...appeared as a "model" on alleged madam Kristin "Billie" Davis' Web site."


The blog gained further national media attention after Cox publicized the story of Jessica Cutler aka "Washingtonienne", a former Hill staffer who blogged about her affair with a member of former Senator Mike DeWine's staff.

Ana Marie Cox

Cox and Wonkette gained notoriety in the political world for publicizing the story of Jessica Cutler, also known as "Washingtonienne", a staff assistant to Senator Mike DeWine (R.-Ohio) who accepted money from a George W. Bush administration official and others in exchange for sexual favors.

see also