
2 unusual facts about Jet pack


In his own words, Flying car's and Jet pack's inspired this concept, and, also the trouble he had in finding parkings in Los Angeles of California made him to conceive this basic idea.

Twilight Heroes

For example, a player with a bicycle can access more areas of the city than one who is on foot, while a player with a jetpack has even greater range and can even patrol in the sky.

Movie Battles

The Imperial or Separatist side (map dependent) have access to a number of specific classes as well: droidekas, Super battle droids, jet pack and flamethrower wielding Mandalorians, as well as Sith.

see also

The Seminar

After his mom told him to hang out with his "smart" friends, Jim told his friend that "mom thinks you're too dumb to hang out with." Jim eventually bumps into the guy in the break room, and tries to laugh off their history, but the guy mocks Jim for not being as successful as his superior intellect would have indicated, and snarks "Where's your jet pack, Zuckerberg?"