
2 unusual facts about Jewish diaspora

Nice Jewish boy stereotype

In Israel and the parts of the diaspora which have received heavy exposure to the American media that deploy the representation, the stereotype has gained popular recognition to a lesser extent.

Samuel Hirszenberg

Noteworthy are the three most famous pictures of this period: Wandering Jew (1899), Exile (1904) and Czarny Szander / Black Flag (1905).


Post-Zionism refers to the opinions of some Israelis, diaspora Jews and others, particularly in academia, that Zionism has fulfilled its ideological mission with the creation of the modern State of Israel in 1948, and that Zionist ideology should therefore be considered at an end.

Taxation of the Jews

The Fiscus Judaicus (Latin: "Jewish tax") or "Temple Tax" was a tax collecting agency instituted to collect the tax imposed on Jews in the Roman Empire after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 70 CE in favor of the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus in Rome.

see also


The term is first noted by the encyclopedia Judaica from the European Jewish Diaspora of the middle of the 13th century.