
5 unusual facts about Jim Hightower

Jim Hightower

After managing the presidential campaign of former Senator Fred R. Harris of Oklahoma in 1976, he returned to Texas to become the editor of the magazine The Texas Observer.

During the 1992 presidential election, he supported the candidacy of U.S. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa.

Ralph Yarborough

Supporters and former aides that have since risen to prominence include Jim Hightower, Ann Richards, and Garry Mauro.

Ray Korona

Since many of Korona's songs are topical, he has also shared stages with noted speakers, such as Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast, and Jim Hightower.

Richard A. Waterfield

In 1991, Waterfield, having relocated permanently to Austin, became the assistant to Democrat-turned-Republican Rick Perry, the future governor of Texas who in 1990 had unseated the Democrat Jim Hightower in a heated race for Texas Agriculture Commissioner.

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