The show was created by Dave Erickson and executive produced by Denis Leary, Jim Serpico, Walon Green, John Kane, and Mike Figgis, who also directed the pilot.
Jim Serpico is the American co-founder, along with Denis Leary of Apostle, a production company in New York City, specializing in television production.
Jim Thorpe | Jim Carrey | Jim DeMint | Jim Morrison | Jim Jarmusch | Jim Jones | Jim Henson | Jim Dine | Jim Starlin | Jim Reeves | Jim Flaherty | Jim Cummings | Jim Bunning | According to Jim | Jim O'Rourke | Jim Nabors | Jim Bohannon | Jim Lovell | Jim Lauderdale | Jim Crow laws | Jim Clark | Serpico | Jim O'Rourke (musician) | Jim Keltner | Jim Crockett Promotions | Jim Brown | Jim Brickman | Jim Lee | Jim Kelly | Jim Hall (musician) |