
3 unusual facts about Jiu River

Boian culture

The culture's geographical extent went as far west as the Jiu River on the border of Transylvania in south-central Romania, as far north as the Chilia branch of the Danube Delta along the Romanian border with Ukraine and the coast of the Black Sea, and as far south as the Rhodope Mountains and the Aegean Sea in Greece.

Cathedral of Saint Demetrius, Craiova

Looking out from the church, one can see a line of observation points toward the Vidin road and toward the Jiu River crossing points near Coşuna and Jitianu monasteries.

Hunedoara County

In the South side along the Jiu River with its two branches West Jiu and East Jiu, there is a large depression, and an accessible route towards Southern Romania - Oltenia.

see also