
13 unusual facts about Transylvania

Dr. Zitbag's Transylvania Pet Shop

Dr. Zitbag was a Pet Shop worker who wasn't very good at selling any pets at all and because of this he was fired from the local Transylvanian Pet Shop.


The current Electrica company was established in 2000 after the break-up of CONEL and initially had eight branches North Transylvania, South Transylvania, North Muntenia, South Muntenia, Moldova, Oltenia, Dobrogea and Banat.

Ernő Jendrassik

He was born in Kolozsvár, Transylvania (now part of Romania), to Jendrassik Jenő, who was a famous physician and professor of physiology.

Eugen Binder-Kriegelstein

After serving for two years in a Rifle Battalion based at the Transylvanian city of Hermann, he was discharged from the Army in 1896 for reasons which are unknown.

Géza Szávai

(Szeklerland is inhabited by Hungarians and is a specific, autonomous part of Transylvania, cradle of the history and culture of several nations – Romanians, Germans etc. –, now belonging to Romania.)

I Am a Photograph

The album's promotional campaign was based on Amanda's "scandalous sex-symbol personality", surrounded by gossips regarding her alleged transsexualism, place of birth, which at the time was believed to be Transylvania, and her relationships with Salvador Dalí and David Bowie.

Ladislaus Löb

Löb was born in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), northern Transylvania, the only child of Izsó, a businessman, and Jolán (née Rosenberg), who died of tuberculosis in 1942.

In 1944 Löb was taken with his relatives to the Kolozsvár Ghetto (known by its Hungarian name because Northern Transylvania was then under that country's control), but escaped with his father and joined the “Kasztner group” in Budapest.

Liviu Mocan

Liviu Mocan was born and grew up in the village of Cara, Cluj county, which is positioned in western-Transylvania.

Martin Fabi

Martin Fabi was born November 1, 1942 in Durrbach, Siebenbürgen (Transylvania) in a family of Transylvanian Saxons.

Máté Hidvégi

Hidvegi was the editor of the biography of Áron Márton (Roman Catholic bishop of Alba Julia, Transylvania, which has been officially included into the canonization files of Aron Marton by the Vatican) and the book The Lord by Romano Guardini, translated by Aron Marton with an introduction by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (the present Pope).

Order of Michael the Brave

The Order, which may be bestowed either on an individual or on a whole unit, was named in honor of Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul), a late 16th-century Prince of Wallachia, Transylvania, and Moldavia.

Transylvania, Louisiana

As the name of Transylvania is associated by many people in the United States with the Hollywood Dracula movies, the general store in the town sells Dracula- and bat-related merchandise to people passing through on Highway 65.

Armenians in Poland

In Transylvania they founded two new cities, Erszebetvaros (Elisabethstadt, Dumbrăveni) and Szamos-ujvar (Armenierstadt, Gherla), which, as a special favor, were declared free cities by Charles VI, Emperor of Austria (1711‑1740).

Báthory family

Andrew Cardinal Báthory, cousin of Sigismund, Prince of Transylvania, Grand Master of the Order of the Dragon.

Billy Frankenstein

When the Franks end up wondering what happened to Sloane's lawyer, we see the lawyer, still looking for Billy and the monster, asking Dracula where they are, and Dracula points into the direction of Transylvania, which the lawyer follows.

Blood for Dracula

In the first years of the 1920s, a sickly and dying Count Dracula, who, as a vampire, must drink virgin blood to survive, travels from Transylvania to Italy, following his servant Anton's plan and thinking he will be more likely to find a virgin in a Catholic country.

Boian culture

The culture's geographical extent went as far west as the Jiu River on the border of Transylvania in south-central Romania, as far north as the Chilia branch of the Danube Delta along the Romanian border with Ukraine and the coast of the Black Sea, and as far south as the Rhodope Mountains and the Aegean Sea in Greece.

Christian of Oliva

Meanwhile von Salza had to abandon his hope to establish an Order's State in the Burzenland region of Transylvania, which had led to an éclat with King Andrew II of Hungary.

Church of the Holy Mother of God, Donja Kamenica

These features, which hint at Hungarian or Transylvanian influences, are highly atypical for medieval Bulgarian church architecture.

Coat of arms of Romania

Then the coat of arms of Transylvania was placed in the fourth quarter, with the Turul replaced by a black aquila, the third quarter depicted the joined coats of arms of Banat and Oltenia (the bridge of Apollodorus of Damascus and a golden lion respectively), and the coat of arms of Dobruja was placed in an insertion.

Cricket in Romania

In recent years the game has begun to grow again, particularly in Bucharest, Timișoara and Transylvania.

Danube Express

The Express now operates more frequently from Budapest to Istanbul (via Transylvania with stops at Sighişoara, Braşov (for Bran Castle), Veliko Turnovo and Kazanlak.

Denmark–Sweden relations

Charles X Gustav then granted Frederick William I full sovereignty in the Duchy of Prussia in return for military aid, and in the Treaty of Radnot allied himself with the Transylvanian George II Rákóczi who invaded Poland-Lithuania from the southeast.

Dumangas, Iloilo

Similar to Count Vlad III Dracula of Transylvania in Vampire stories, the most popular characters are the clan of Teñente/ Tenyente/ Tiniente Gimo of the town of Dueñas, Iloilo.

Elek Benedek

After the Treaty of Trianon (which transferred sovereignty over Transylvania to Romania), he went back to his native village, Kisbacon, where he edited the youth magazine Cimbora ("Friend") until he died.

Francisco José Debali

It has been suggested to identify "Kinséen" as either Chinteni, which has a similar pronunciation, but lies in Transylvania, the region which lies north of Oltenia; or Câineni, Vâlcea County, which actually lies in Oltenia; but no source confirming either of these places has been found yet.

Gabriel Báthory

Joined by Radu Mihnea of Wallachia, Crimean Tatars and another army from Hungary, they reached Transylvania in October.

George Martinuzzi

It included, besides Transylvania proper, many Hungarian counties on both sides of the Theiss, and the important city of Kassa (Košice).

Gheorghe Magheru

He approached the Hungarian leader Lajos Kossuth in January 1849, with a project that would have replaced the tight centralization with a confederation between Hungary and a more Romanian than not Transylvania.

György Harag

By the regular invitation of guest artists' the audience (including György Harag) might have got acquainted with the most important artists like Pál Jávor, Margit Dajka, Ferenc Kiss, Antal Páger and Klári Tolnay, but also to those of Transylvania as Ernő Szabó, Luci Hamvay, Ferenc Delly, Juci Komlós.

Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf

While most of the film was shot on locations in what was, at the time, the country of Czechoslovakia - for example in the ossuary in Mělník, a town in Central Bohemia (which the story incorrectly claims to be in Transylvania), as well as at Barrandov Studios, Prague, some scenes were shot in Los Angeles.


In 1601 the castle was besieged by the Wallachian army of Michael the Brave in his campaign to unite the Romanian-inhabited principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania against the Ottoman Empire, and to switch the Ottoman vassalage to the Habsburgs.

Hungarian–Romanian war of 1919

On November 13, 1918, the 7th division was the first Romanian Army unit to enter Transylvania at Prisăcani, in the Eastern Carpathians, followed at Palanca by the 1st.

Ion Corvin

John Hunyadi, Voivode of Transylvania, captain-general and regent of the Kingdom of Hungary (Ion Corvin is a Romanian variant of his name)

Jonathan Harker

Harker discovers in Carfax Abbey, near Purfleet, Essex, a dwelling which suits the client's requirements and travels to Transylvania by train in order to consult with him about it.

József Szabó de Szentmiklós

In later years he devoted himself largely to petrology, and published memoirs on the trachytes of Hungary and Transylvania; on a new method of determining the species of feldspars in rocks, depending on fusibility and flame-coloration; on the geology and petrology of the district of Schemnitz; and on Santorin Island.

Liviu Constantinescu

Born into an old family of Christian Orthodox clerics from Transylvania, Liviu Constantinescu ignored suggestions from family and teachers to become an engineer or teacher and decided to study natural sciences.

Lucian Ban

Raised in the tiny farming village of Teaca, (Transylvania, Romania), Ban grew up listening to folk songs performed at weddings, birthdays, holidays and other celebrations.

Music of Transylvania

In our days, Deep Forest included folk songs from Transylvania on their albums.

Inhabited by Romanians, Székely and other Hungarians, Germans, Serbs, Slovaks, Gypsies and others, Transylvania has long been a center for folk music from all of these different cultures.

Paul Traugott Meissner

He earned a degree as magister of pharmacy from the University of Pest, subsequently returning to Transylvania, where he took over management of a pharmacy in Kronstadt.

Pimpernel and Rosemary

The action is mainly set amongst the disaffected Hungarian nobility in Transylvania, allowing Orczy to draw on her knowledge of Hungarian history and politics.


In 1701, the Emperor Leopold I decreed Transylvania's Orthodox Church to be one with the Roman Catholic Church.


But the city itself was built by German settlers - later referred as Transylvanian Saxons, but actually originating from the region of Rhine and Moselle - on the territory of the Hungarian Kingdom in the second half of the 12th century and became an important city in medieval Transylvania.


Menaced by the growing privileges of boyars and threatened to lose land grants or be turned into serfs, the Wallachian seimeni rebelled in 1655, being crushed after Prince Constantin Şerban enlisted the help of George II Rákóczi, Prince of Transylvania, as well as that of Moldavia's Voivode Gheorghe Ştefan.


In addition, ethnic Hungarians outside of Hungary, such as those in Transylvania, Slovakia, and the Siret River valley of Moldavia, are also celebrated by the táncház movement.

Táncház draws on traditions from across the regions of the Kingdom of Hungary (most notably Transylvania), especially music and dance.

Tasmanian Devil: Munching Madness

Players take control of Taz to eat all the food in each of the nine levels - Tasmania, Australia, China, Greece, Switzerland, Amsterdam, Amazon River, Las Vegas and Transylvania.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Bucharest

Ten unidentified soldiers who died at Mărăşeşti, Mărăşti, Oituz, Târgu Ocna, Jiu, Prahova, Bucharest, in Dobruja, Transylvania and Bessarabia were exhumed and laid in oak coffins, doubled with zinc, inside the "Assumption of Mary" Church in Mărășești.

Transcarpathian Art Institute

In the center of Mukachevo classrooms located in the "White House" Rakoczy family, which was built in the mid-17th century, as the residence of Transylvanian Princes.

Vasile Erdeli

Basil Erdeli-Ardeleanu as Emanoil Gojdu during revolutions of 1848 - 1849 in Transylvania and Hungary, the Romanian-Hungarian brotherhood promoted, but soon after the capitulation of Șiria, Arad kossuthişti Hungarian revolutionaries, supported in publicly, Franz Joseph I, Emperor of the Habsburg Empire.


Radu Paisie, who was deposed by Süleyman in 1545, ceded the port of Brăila to Ottoman administration in the same year; his successor Mircea Ciobanul (1545–1554; 1558–1559), a prince without any claim to noble heritage, was imposed on the throne and consequently agreed to a decrease in autonomy (increasing taxes and carrying out an armed intervention in Transylvania—supporting the pro-Turkish John Zápolya).