The Old West spoof featured the misadventures of Sam Best, a Civil War veteran (played by Joel Higgins) who becomes a marshal in Copper Creek after accidentally scaring off an incompetent gunfighter called the Calico Kid.
Billy Joel | Joel Chandler Harris | Joel-Peter Witkin | John Higgins | Joel Schumacher | Joel Osteen | Joel Hodgson | John Higgins (snooker player) | Joel Whitburn | Joel Plaskett | Haley Joel Osment | Bernardo O'Higgins | O'Higgins Region | Missy Higgins | Joel McHale | Joel McCrea | Joel Lamangan | Joel Grey | Joel | O'Higgins | Brian Higgins | Terrence Higgins Trust | Mitch Joel | Mary Higgins Clark | Joel Zifkin | Joel Spolsky | Joel Silver | Joel Salatin | Joel Hayward | Karl Amson Joel |