In the episode of Robot Chicken titled "S&M Present," Britney Spears and her pop-music minions merge into a giant in order to fight a Pat Morita-trained Joey Fatone, and "Eh-neeek-chock!" can be heard as they combine.
They may be best known to mainstream audiences for appearing on the title track to 'N Sync members' Lance Bass and Joey Fatone's movie, On the Line.
Joey Ramone | Joey Baron | Joey DeFrancesco | Joey Yung | Joey Waronker | Joey McIntyre | Joey Cheek | Joey Santiago | Joey Lawrence | Joey de Leon | Joey Sturgis | Joey Gibbs | Joey Carbone | Joey Bishop | Joey Ayala | Melissa & Joey | Joey Tribbiani | Joey Styles | Joey Spina | Joey Sellers | Joey Porter | Joey Pendleton | Joey Logano | Joey Fatone | Joey Dunlop | Joey DiPaolo | Joey De Leon | Joey Chestnut | Joey Cavalieri | Joey Cape |