
unusual facts about Johannes Hevelius

Abraham von Franckenberg

Tired of this and other confrontations, and mindful of the fact that events of the Thirty Years’ War were moving in the direction of Silesia, Franckenberg moved to Danzig via Breslau in 1641, where he lodged until 1649 with the astronomer Johannes Hevelius, who introduced him to Copernican astronomy.

38 Lyncis

Johannes Hevelius was referring to the Eurasian lynx, which he and others perceived as being spotted like a leopard.

Julius Reichelt

Reichelt traveled through Northern Europe some time after 1666 and met other notable 17th century scientists and thinkers such as Jan Hudde, Johannes Hevelius, Andreas Concius, Henrik Ruse, Johannes Meyer, Rasmus Bartholin, and Adam Olearius.

see also