
5 unusual facts about Johannes Kepler

GeForce 600 Series

It serves as the introduction for the Kepler architecture (GK-codenamed chips), named after the German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer Johannes Kepler.

Ian Shelton

His discovery turned out to be a supernova, the first visible to the naked eye since Johannes Kepler observed SN 1604 nearly 383 years prior.

Public Works of Art Project

The monument is a large outdoor concrete sculpture on the front lawn that pays homage to six of the greatest astronomers of all time:  Hipparchus (about 150 BC); Nicholas Copernicus (1473–1543); Galileo Galilei (1564–1642); Johannes Kepler (1571–1630); Isaac Newton (1642–1727); and William Herschel (1738–1822).

Tadeáš Hájek

Tadeáš Hájek was in frequent scientific correspondence with the recognized astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) and played an important role in persuading Rudolph II to invite Brahe (and later Kepler) to Prague.

Two-body problem in general relativity

The Kepler problem derives its name from Johannes Kepler, who worked as an assistant to the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.

Albert Curtz

Together with Johann Deckers, Kepler, Francesco Maria Grimaldi, and Jean-Baptiste Riccioli, he contributed to our early understanding of the Moon.

Golden ratio

The first known approximation of the (inverse) golden ratio by a decimal fraction, stated as "about 0.6180340", was written in 1597 by Michael Maestlin of the University of Tübingen in a letter to his former student Johannes Kepler.

Immanuel Halton

Having heard of Flamsteed's astronomical proficiency, Halton called to see him at Derby in 1666, and afterwards sent him Giovanni Battista Riccioli's New Almagest, Johannes Kepler's Rudolphine Tables, and other books on astronomy.

Johann Schreck

He was in contact with all important scientists of his time: Johannes Kepler sent his newest astronomic opus, the "Rudolphine Tables" to China, which, however, he was not able to receive: they arrived in Macau 16 years after Schreck's death.

Kepler Kessel

The name of Kepler Kessel derives from the famous astronomer Johannes Kepler who moved to Ulm in 1627 to finish and publish his famous works later known as the Rudolphine Tables.

Philip III, Landgrave of Hesse-Butzbach

Philip III also corresponded with the astronomers Kepler and Galileo.

Preterm birth

Historical figures who were born prematurely include Johannes Kepler (born in 1571 at 7 months gestation), Isaac Newton (born in 1642, small enough to fit into a quart mug, according to his mother), Winston Churchill (born in 1874 at 7 months gestation), and Anna Pavlova (born in 1885 at 7 months gestation).

SN 1572

The supernova of 1572 is often called "Tycho's supernova", because of Tycho Brahe's extensive work De nova et nullius aevi memoria prius visa stella ("Concerning the Star, new and never before seen in the life or memory of anyone", published in 1573 with reprints overseen by Johannes Kepler in 1602, and 1610), a work containing both Tycho Brahe's own observations and the analysis of sightings from many other observers.

Throw out the baby with the bath water

It is a common catchphrase in German, with examples of its use in work by Martin Luther, Johannes Kepler, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Otto von Bismarck, Thomas Mann and Günter Grass.

Ulysse Nardin

Dr. Oechslin then followed the Astrolabium up with two other astronomical watches: in 1988 the Planetarium Copernicus (named after the stargazing theaters called planetariums and of astronomer Copernicus) and in 1992 the Tellurium Johannes Kepler (named after the element tellurium and astronomer Johannes Kepler).

see also

Die Harmonie der Welt

This recording was made in the Jesus-Christus-Kirche in Berlin-Dahlem in February/March 2000, with Marek Janowski conducting the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, and François le Roux in the role of Johannes Kepler.

Gymnázium Jana Keplera

The Gymnázium Jana Keplera (English: Johannes Kepler Gymnasium or Johannes Kepler Grammar School) is a public gymnasium located in Prague 6 district in Prague, Czech Republic.