
unusual facts about John Blair, Jr.

Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad

The city of Ames was chartered in 1864 for the railroad and was named by CR&M President John Blair for Massachusetts Congressman Oakes Ames.

Chisholm v. Georgia

In a 4 to 1 decision, the Court ruled in favor of the plaintiff, with Chief Justice John Jay and Associate Justices John Blair, James Wilson, and William Cushing constituting the majority; only Justice Iredell dissented.

John Blair, Jr.

But he was devoted to the idea of a permanent union of the newly independent states and loyally supported fellow Virginians James Madison and George Washington at the Constitutional Convention.

The Dorset House

It contains superb examples by master craftsmen from all over North America, including an Elmer Crowell- whose wide variety of working decoys, decorative carvings and miniatures prove him to be the most versatile of the old-time masters- and such well kjnown carvers as Bill Bowman, Lee Dudley, Nathan Cobb, Lem Ward, Steve Ward, Joseph Lincoln, Albert Laing, Shang Wheeler, George Warin and John Blair.

see also