
7 unusual facts about John Bramston

John Bramston

Sir John Bramston, the elder (1577–1654), English judge and Chief Justice of the King’s Bench

Sir John Bramston, the younger (1611–1700), son of Sir John Bramston, the elder; Barrister and Member of Parliament for Essex

John Bramston, the elder

On 16 April 1640, during the indisposition of the lord keeper Finch, Bramston presided in the House of Lords.

On 21 December of the same year proceedings were commenced in the House of Commons to impeach the lord keeper Finch, Bramston, and five other of the judges who had subscribed the opinion on Ship money.

The message was communicated to the peers the same day, and the judges being present (except the lord keeper) were forthwith severally bound in recognisances of £10,000 to attend parliament from day to day until such time as trial might be had.

A similar sentence was passed on him at a later date, Bramston being again a member of the court, on a charge of libelling the Archbishop of Canterbury and the late lord treasurer Weston.

John Bramston, the younger

In 1672 an accusation was brought by Henry Mildmay (1619–1692), before the council against him and Francis, his younger bother, of being papists, and receiving payment from the pope to promote his interests.

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