
2 unusual facts about John Coolidge

Elizabeth Ann Blaesing

If Blaesing was, in fact, President Harding's daughter, then, between the 2000 death of John Coolidge and her own death, she was the oldest living child of a President, and between the 1995 death of Francis Cleveland and her own death, Harding was the earliest President still to have a living child.

John Coolidge

His earliest American ancestor, John Coolidge, emigrated from Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, England, around 1630 and settled in Watertown, Massachusetts.

see also

Elizabeth Ann Blaesing

Otherwise, this distinction belonged to Coolidge from 1995 to John Coolidge's death in 2000 and then to Harry S. Truman until 2008, when his daughter Margaret Truman died.