
unusual facts about John Corbet

Sir Thomas Darnell, 1st Baronet

The cases of his four comrades, John Corbet, Walter Earl, John Heveringham, and Edmund Hampden, were proceeded with, Bramston, William Noy, William Calthorpe, and John Selden being for the applicants, and the attorney-general, Robert Heath, representing the crown.

Robert Baillie

Among his works are Ladensium Aὐτοκατάκρισις, an answer to Lysimachus Nicanor by John Corbet in the form of an attack on Laud and his system, in reply to a publication which charged the Covenanters with Jesuitry; Anabaptism, the true Fountain of Independency, Brownisme, Antinomy, Familisme, etc.

see also

William John Corbet

William John Corbet (born 14 August 1881) was a Guernsey born pilot and World War II hero.