Eskimo Artist: Kenojuak is a 1964 Canadian short documentary film about Inuit artist Kenojuak Ashevak, directed by John Feeney.
In 1964, he was nominated again, for Eskimo Artist: Kenojuak (1963), a groundbreaking look at the work of Inuit graphic artist Kenojuak Ashevak.
Eskimo Artist: Kenojuak found new life again in 1992, when filmmakers Colin Low and Tony Ianzelo combined archival and contemporary footage of Kenojuak in Momentum, Canada’s IMAX HD film for Expo '92.
John F. Kennedy | Pope John Paul II | Elton John | John | John Lennon | John Wayne | John McCain | John Kerry | John Cage | Olivia Newton-John | John Williams | John Peel | John Adams | John Steinbeck | John Travolta | John Milton | John Zorn | John Marshall | John Howard | John Singer Sargent | John Ruskin | John Updike | John Maynard Keynes | John Coltrane | John Cleese | St. John's | John Waters | John Lee Hooker | John Huston | John Ford |
Following the death of John Feeney in 1905 ownership of the Post passed to his nephew, Charles Hyde.
Pangnirtung (Tom Daly producer; John Feeney director), featuring life in the northern Canadian community