One year later, amid a general renaming, the station was given the name of the nearby creek, Glenbrook, which Sir John Jamison thought came from Regents Glen.
Jamison County was named in honour of landowner and constitutional reformer Sir John Jamison (1776-1844).
His son, Sir John Jamison (1776–1844), also held a prominent Medical Practitioner profession.
Benevolent organisations benefited from his generosity, and in 1830 he helped establish Sydney College - an important educational facility which gave rise to both Sydney Grammar School and the University of Sydney.
She was awarded a government pension as a result of the efforts of her son, Sir John Jamison, who had vigorously pursued her case with the relevant authorities.
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Originally called The Weatherboard after the ‘Weatherboard Inn’ built in 1814, a year later the town was named Jamison’s Valley by Governor Lachlan Macquarie in honour of the colony's leading private citizen, Sir John Jamison.