
unusual facts about John Michell


Othery church is one of the churches dedicated to St Michael that falls on a ley line proposed by John Michell.

Johann Georg von Soldner

Other prescient work that became unpopular and largely forgotten for similar reasons possibly Henry Cavendish's light-bending calculations, John Michell's 1783 study of gravitational horizons and the spectral shifting of light by gravity, and even Isaac Newton's study in "Principia" of the gravitational bending of the paths of "corpuscles", and his description of light-bending in "Opticks".

Whiteleaved Oak

In City of Revelation (1973) British author John Michell theorised that Whiteleaved Oak is the centre of a circular alignment he called the “Circle of Perpetual Choirs” and is equidistant from Glastonbury and Stonehenge.

see also

The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles

On the basis of The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles (which he himself had not actually read), Sebastion invited Hutton to speak at a conference in Avebury where he befriended a number of members of the Pagan Druidic movement, including Philip Carr-Gomm, Emma Restall Orr and John Michell.